Our New2U Charity Shop makes an invaluable contribution to raising money to support the Madeley Rural Community Charity, which runs the Madeley Centre. The shop is run by volunteers, who are always on the look out for more people to help them.
We are very grateful to all users of the Centre who donate saleable items and equally to those who buy items from the shop. Through these contributions and the hard work of shop volunteers the shop generates between £7,000 and £9,000 a year to help the Centre to keep going.
The Centre is a Community Charity and has to raise all the money it needs to keep it going. If you feel you would be willing to organise a fundraising event in aid of the Madeley Centre then do please contact the Centre manager, who should be able to offer the support you need.
LYME LOTTERY – We should also be very grateful if you would consider helping the Madeley Centre by subscribing to the Lyme Lottery. You have the chance to win large cash prizes (much more chance of winning than with the National Lottery) and, if you specify The Madeley Centre as your chosen charity, we will receive 50% of the money you spend. We are trying to plug the gap caused by the withdrawal of local authority funding for the Children’s Centre, and your participation in the lottery could make a big contribution towards us doing this. To buy tickets please click this link: https://www.lymelottery.co.uk/support/the-madeley-centre
Thank you.