Regular Events



Car Boot Sales

We hold monthly indoor car boot sales in our main hall. It is a very popular event and gets booked up very quickly, so tables need to be reserved in advance by calling: June or Michael Dale on 01782 751194.

Centre Open Day

We hold an annual Open Day in September each year where members of the public can find out about the various activities on offer at the Madeley Centre. On the day we provide:

  • FREE light refreshments
  • Tours of the Centre by volunteers to see our wonderful facilities: Large Hall, Meeting Rooms, Children’s Centre, Charity Shop, Nail Bar, Internet café, Police, Post Office
  • Displays and presentations by groups that use the Centre.

Sign up for activities to fill your Autumn and Winter days and evenings.

Music at the Madeley Centre

Organiser: Steve Hurd 07773 972601

Tickets: Madeley Centre Office 01782 751808


The Madeley Centre has been described as the “up and coming music venue of North Staffordshire and South Cheshire” (Radio Stoke). Our Sunday-evening music programme showcases talented musicians and singers and a wide variety of musical styles. To accommodate a growing audience, performances are held in our modern Hall, which has excellent acoustics. We create a convivial, night-club atmosphere by arranging seating around tables with candles. It is a great night out for performers and audience. The bar opens at 7pm to give you time to talk with friends before the music, which runs from 7.30 to 9.30pm, with a short interval. Tickets are £12.50 with concessions for certain groups. It is wise to arrive early to find a good seat and buy your tickets for the prize raffle!

Seasonal Fayres

Each year the Madeley Centre holds a number of Fayres. The Christmas and Summer Fayres are very popular. Over 30 stalls sell craft and artisan goods and promote local groups and charities. There are games, tombola and raffles, and stalls selling cakes, home-made produce and light refreshments.

Local charities may request a free stall. Entrance to our Fayres is free to members of the public, so do please come along with your friends and neighbours. We depend on your support and you will be made very welcome. For full details check out the Madeley Centre website or Facebook page.