All posts by Jamie Stephenson

Everybody Sport and Recreation provide enhanced health and wellbeing opportunities for the people in and around Madeley

Everybody Sport and Recreation provide enhanced health and wellbeing opportunities for the people in and around Madeley

Everybody currently operates the Taste for Life café which is an integral part of the Madeley Centre and its users. Everybody is really excited to be a part of the local community, and to work together to build on the great foundations that are already in place. Everybody’s plan is to increase footfall of this well used site and to provide more community use and are keen to work with current and new users to do this.

Mike Brereton chair at the Madeley Rural Community Charity shares

 “For the Centre to realise its full potential it needs management with the knowledge and ability to discharge satisfactorily responsibilities in areas which include: finance, employment law, health and safety, marketing, data and other regulatory compliance, facilities management.”

 He continues

The Trustees are outsourcing management to Everybody Sport and Recreation an experienced and highly professional health and wellbeing charity rather than directly employing part-time management staff. The Trustees remain in total control of the use and future of the Centre.

It will take some time for Everybody to increase the income of the Centre and the Trustees expect to incur a loss in the first year of Everybody’s management. However, it is anticipated that by the end of the proposed three year period increased income will result in the Centre being profitable. It is the extra reserves which the Centre has built up over the period of the pandemic which enable this opportunity to be grasped. The Trustees see this as an exciting chance to provide the Centre with all the professional skills needed for the Centre to achieve its full potential as a thriving community and leisure centre.”

Everybody has extended the opening hours of the facility to Monday to Friday 9am – 9pm, and Sunday 9-5pm, with a member of staff on site at all times.

Thomas Barton, Executive Director of Everybody, says :-

“Through the challenging times of the last two years of working within the Madeley Centre, we have found that our values and ethos are very much aligned. A position of already being part of the community in Madeley with our Taste for Life Cafe, and our experience of operating similar community centres, has enabled us to recognise what a vibrant and well used centre it is and how we can work more closely together to ensure that we can build on the already strong foundations with enhanced health and wellbeing opportunities for the people in and around Madeley.” 

Mike Brereton chair at the Madeley Rural Community Charity shares:-

“The Trustees are in no doubt that this is the right way forward for the Centre and brings closer the possibility of the Centre achieving its full potential for the benefit of the whole of the village.”

For news about the Madeley Centre, please visit their website: or follow them on Facebook: @madeleystaffordshire